ATLANTA, GEORGIA January 20, 2023 — Allinial Global has appointed the following members to its 2023 EMEIA Regional Board:
After restructuring the board in 2022 to better represent the variety of cultures, perspectives, and firm sizes in the region, Allinial Global is pleased to further enhance the diversity of the EMEIA Regional Board by welcoming its first female member, Jennifer Reddy, in 2023.
The association also would like to thank departing board members Alphons van de Ven of ESJ Financial Engineering and Michael Thelen of KBHT for their service.
“As Allinial Global grows and evolves, our governing boards will continue to be absolutely vital to the association’s member-driven strategy. I’m pleased to welcome such a talented and dedicated group to our EMEIA Regional Board and look forward to working with them to deliver even more value to members in 2023.”
—Mark Koziel, President & CEO, Allinial Global
About Allinial Global:
Allinial Global is a member-based association dedicated to the success of independent accounting and consulting firms. Founded in 1969, this strategic affiliation of legally independent accounting firms has a mission to foster the independence, profitability, and continuous improvement of its members. Allinial Global is two hundred and fifty-six members strong and growing, with locations throughout the world generating over $4.5 billion in collective revenues. With dedicated regional liaisons who have extensive connections throughout the Americas, EMEIA (Europe, the Middle East, India, and Africa), and the Asia Pacific region, members of Allinial Global are committed to providing the most agile, flexible, and client-centric solutions anywhere, anytime.
For press inquiries regarding Allinial Global, please contact:
Mark Koziel, President & CEO
Phone: 1-800-282-3680 | Email: