The International Accounting Bulletin World Survey, ranked Allinial Global second in two categories, “World Associations: Fee Data” and “World Associations: Staff Data”. In their report they acknowledged growth in the face of pandemic and global challenges reporting, “Globally, it was the toughest of years on all fronts” though “Positive growth in fee income was seen across most regions for both networks and associations” and “In terms of staffing, growth was seen in most regions, despite the impact of the pandemic.”
Click to see IAB World Survey.
Allinial Global is a member-based association dedicated to the success of independent accounting and consulting firms. Founded in 1969, this strategic affiliation of legally independent accounting firms has a mission to foster the independence, profitability, and continuous improvement of its members. Allinial Global is two hundred forty-eight members strong and growing, with locations throughout the world generating over $4 billion in collective revenues. With dedicated regional liaisons who have extensive connections throughout the Americas, EMEIA (Europe, the Middle East, India, and Africa), and the Asia Pacific region, members of Allinial Global are committed to providing the most agile, flexible, and client-centric solutions anywhere, anytime.
Mark Koziel, President & CEO
+1 800-282-3680