ATLANTA, GEORGIA March 9, 2023 — Allinial Global has established a new strategic partnership with leading accounting software company LeaseCrunch, giving member firms access to award-winning automated lease software for compliance with new lease reporting requirements.
Created and backed by a team of seasoned CPAs, former Big Four auditors, software development veterans, and a former member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) staff, LeaseCrunch makes implementation and ongoing maintenance of lease accounting as seamless as possible. Their software enables firms to effectively and accurately manage all lease agreements under the new lease accounting standard, providing classification and lease term information in easy-to-digest tips, as well as simplified policy election templates for FASB, GASB, and IFRS.
“We are thrilled to be named a strategic partner for Allinial Global,” said Ane Ohm, cofounder and CEO of LeaseCrunch. “With the need for lease accounting software increasing, we are excited to work with Allinial Global and its members to help them with the new lease standards and ensure they are meeting the required deliverables.”
“At Allinial Global we are constantly seeking out ways to help our members further differentiate themselves as leaders in the profession. LeaseCrunch’s easy-to-use lease accounting software addresses the biggest challenges of the new lease standard while automating the required deliverables. Their software lightens the load of many CPA firms, and we are thrilled to be able to bring this capability to our members through this partnership.”
—Mark Koziel, President and CEO, Allinial Global
About Allinial Global:
Allinial Global is a member-based association dedicated to the success of independent accounting and consulting firms. Founded in 1969, this strategic affiliation of legally independent accounting firms has a mission to foster the independence, profitability, and continuous improvement of its members. Allinial Global is two hundred and fifty-six members strong and growing, with locations throughout the world generating over $4.5 billion in collective revenues. With dedicated regional liaisons who have extensive connections throughout the Americas, EMEIA (Europe, the Middle East, India, and Africa), and the Asia Pacific region, members of Allinial Global are committed to providing the most agile, flexible, and client-centric solutions anywhere, anytime.
About LeaseCrunch:
LeaseCrunch offers easy-to-use, automated lease accounting software that significantly reduces the time needed to transition, account for, and maintain leases in compliance with new lease accounting standards ASC 842, GASB 87, GASB 96, and IFRS 16. More than 125 of the top 400 CPA firms in the United States use the LeaseCrunch platform to manage their clients’ lease accounting needs.
For press inquiries regarding Allinial Global, please contact:
Mark Koziel, President & CEO
Phone: 1-800-282-3680 | Email: