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Allinial Global Welcomes New Member Firm in Nicaragua

August 1, 2023

ATLANTA, GEORGIA August 1, 2023 — Following the addition of new members in Colombia, Brazil, and Honduras, the Allinial Global Latin America region is expanding its coverage yet again with a new member firm in Nicaragua.

Headquartered in Nicaragua’s capital city of Managua, Sequeira & Asociados S.A. is a full-service firm founded by a team of professionals who started their careers in the Big Four. Highly experienced in serving international clients, all four of the firm’s partners are chartered professionals in Nicaragua’s regulatory body, el Colegio de Contadores Publicos Autorizados.

Although Sequeira & Asociados’ primary service is audit, they have a growing emphasis on financial and consulting services, including cybersecurity, digital transformation, and sustainability. They serve small and medium-sized businesses in a variety of industries, including agriculture, retail, communication, and real estate.

“I’m happy to welcome our newest member Sequeira & Asociados as we continue to build upon impressive growth in our Latin America region. We’re pleased to gain coverage in a new country, and Sequeira’s commitment to becoming a firm of the future makes them a fantastic addition to our worldwide community of best-in-class firms.”  

—Mark Koziel, President and CEO, Allinial Global