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Top Takeaways from the 2021 EMEIA Conference

June 30, 2021

From June 14–15, 2021, Allinial Global hosted its EMEIA Regional Conference virtually, welcoming 70 participants for two half days of interactive online sessions. Our presenters shared some outstanding content, and it was great to see members embracing the virtual format and enjoying new ways to engage with association peers. As travel continues to resume, we look forward to hosting hybrid events that foster choice and increased engagement.

Below are my top takeaways from this year’s event.

No matter what, business strategy comes first. In his opening remarks, President and CEO Mark Koziel underlined the importance of technology transformation and change management. Although it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of new technology, Mark reminded us that business strategy should always be our first priority when we want to transform our firms and the way we do business.

Cultural fluency can build trust. Keynote speaker Keith Warburton of Global Business Culture addressed cultural differences and communication challenges that arise when working across borders. Participants shared their experiences in a Q&A session and in interactive breakout rooms, identifying ways that cultural fluency can help us overcome barriers of culture, geography, language, and technology. To succeed in today’s global business environment, your people need tools that help them navigate cultural differences with confidence. If you missed this session, our Global Business Compass resource is a helpful starting point for member firms that want to enhance cultural fluency.

Career transitions are important and should be managed well. George Wilkinson of Milestones London reminded us that major career transitions have a profound impact at both the individual and firm level. As we discussed the loss, challenges, and opportunities that accompany career transitions, George highlighted the importance of preparing for these transitions psychologically and practically. To manage the actual transition process, our firms must take deliberate steps to protect value, mitigate risk, and improve the experience of major career transitions.

Sharing best practices is key. This year’s conference featured some fantastic examples of member-to-member learning and best practices sharing. Zoltán Gálffy of Falcon Group and Philip Gudgeon of Schneider Group facilitated a discussion on business development that touched on EMEIA industry lines, client relationships, service excellence, cross-border engagements, and how to boost commerce and collaboration between firms. If you’d like to sharpen your skills and learn from like-minded peers, Allinial Global offers over 20 member-led communities that meet throughout the year to help each other grow and learn, including several communities focused specifically on the EMEIA region. We’d love to see you get involved!

Progressive content is key to success and transformation. It hasn’t been easy keeping up with the change and disruption of the last year. Members are looking to their associations to advise them on developments in the profession and to provide the tools they need for transformation. We hear you loud and clear! To that end, our upcoming Global Forum will feature a session on strategic planning and how you can leverage the work of Allinial Global to strengthen your firm’s strategy and future readiness.

Miracles happen. Do believe them! Member and second-day panelist Zoltán Gálffy of Falcon Group became a grandfather during the conference. Congratulations!

Thank you to all our best-in-class members who joined us for this two-day event. And finally, thank you to Mark Koziel for his inspiring leadership as captain of the enterprise. As we seek innovative solutions and new technologies for transformation, we are exploring new worlds in our profession, leading members to the final frontier—to boldly go where no association has gone before!

If you missed the EMEIA Regional Conference, join us at the 2021 Global Forum, a hybrid event where you can network and learn with Allinial Global members from all over the globe. The conference will be held from October 24–26, and registration opens soon. We hope to see you there!


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